Increase in Retention Rate.
Increase in Retention Rate.
New Users Acquired .
Increase in Conversion Rate to Paying Users.
Our client, a USA-based Entertainment App, faced multiple challenges:
- A need for more users, focusing on in-app monetization, and increasing user engagement within the app to boost in-app advertising revenue.
- A lack of expertise in utilizing OEM traffic sources and a lack of trusted partners in this domain.
- The necessity to test different approaches to gain insights into the effectiveness of OEM sources for their business.
- A limited timeframe and a small in-house team to manually test each OEM source.
- Significant growth in the number of new app users, with a notably high conversion rate to subscriptions compared to other traffic sources.
- Impressive user retention rates were achieved.
- Increased brand awareness and added substantial value to both the brand and business profits.
- Marked improvements in overall traffic activity, showcasing the effectiveness of utilizing OEM traffic sources.
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